10 Secret Things You Didn’t Know About Blogging Monetization Strategies

For many, blogging has evolved from being a hobby to a full-time lucrative occupation.

Yet, turning blogging into a profitable business isn’t as easy as publishing posts and expecting the cash to roll in.

To make it work, bloggers need to be smart about monetization strategies.

In the following i will teach you some of the best strategies for monetizing your blog.

Problem: Struggling to monetize your blog.

A common challenge that many bloggers face is; they create excellent content but their sites are not monetized properly.

They may be putting in their best possible efforts but due to lack of proper knowledge, they earn nothing or very little from their blogs, which could otherwise, generate a substantial income for them.

This in turn, results in wastage of effort, time and creativity – leading to blogger’s burnout.

The main concerns are:
1. Lack of understanding regarding monetization tactics.
Monetizing a blog entails more than just posting advertising and affiliate connections. It entails studying multiple tactics, their variations, and how they apply to your unique area of interest.

Without this understanding, bloggers frequently lose out on possible cash streams.

2. Insufficient traffic to enable monetization approaches.

Best monetization strategies may not work if a blog doesn’t have sufficient traffic.

A blog without traffic is like a dead body, nothing else to say. Any monetization strategies will not yield good revenue or at all fail miserably if there is no traffic.

Traffic can be achieved only by consistent efforts in SEO, content marketing and engaging with the audience.

3. Inadequate application of monetization strategies.

It’s not enough to know these monetization methods exist, you have to implement them correctly.

If your visitors see ads on your site that are so small they’re hard to view, or affiliate links to products completely irrelevant to your blog content, they’ll leave your site and you’ll never see a cent.

Solution: Effective Blog Monetization Strategies

To address the issues of blog monetization, try employing the following strategies:

1. Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate marketing simply means promoting products or services and earning a commission on each sale generated from your referral. This form of marketing is extremely successful when done properly.

Steps for Implementing Affiliate Marketing:

  1. Select Relevant Products
    Promote items that are relevant to your blog’s specialty and audience interests.
  2. Join affiliate programs.
    Sign up for reliable affiliate programs such as Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and CJ Affiliate.
  3. Create high-quality content.
    Write in-depth reviews, tutorials, or comparative blogs to highlight the items.
  4. Use In-Content Links
    To enhance click-through rates, integrate affiliate links seamlessly into your content.

2. Display advertising.

Display advertising simply means posting ads on your blog and getting paid based on either impressions or clicks. You can use Google AdSense for this.

Steps for Implementing Display Advertising:

  1. Sign up with an ad network:
    Google AdSense, Media.net, and AdThrive are popular options.
  2. Place ads strategically:
    Place advertising in prominent spots such as the header, sidebar, or within content.
  3. Optimize Ad Placement
    Conduct A/B testing to discover the most effective ad locations for increased engagement.

3. Sponsored Posts

A sponsored post is basically writing any post that advertises a brand or a product and you get paid for it. This is a good method if you have an audience that regularly visits your blog.

How to go about Sponsored Posts:

  • Create a Media Kit:
    Prepare a media kit for your blog which states all the statistics, demographics of your blog and the rates you charge for sponsoring.
  • Approach Brands:
    Send emails to relevant brands and start discussing terms.

4. Selling Digital Products

You can leverage your expertise and knowledge and create an eBook, online course, or a printable and sell them. This is surely a great way to make money online.

How to Implement Selling Digital Products:

  • Find a Need:
    First, find a need of your audience and then develop a product to fulfil their demand.
  • Make Quality Products:
    You need to spend time in making professional and high-value digital products.
  • Get a Sales Platform:
    There are many sales platforms like Gumroad, Teachable or Shopify: Choose any one of them to sell your products.

5. Membership Sites

A membership site is one in which you offer exclusive content to members who pay a recurring subscription fee.

Steps for Starting a Membership Site:

  • Select a Platform:
    MemberPress, Patreon or Substack.
  • Develop Content:
    This could be in the form of exclusive articles, videos, or even access to a community, but it needs to be worth the monthly fee you’re charging.
  • Build Your Community:
    You need to regularly engage your current members in order to develop a loyal following.

How do I attract more traffic to my blog?

SEO is all about ranking higher on Search Engines like Google for specific queries. The higher you rank in organic search results, the more traffic you will get from Search Engines. Here are some tips for SEO :

Keyword Research
Find Keywords : You can use Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush or any other keyword research tool to get relevant keywords for your niche.

Long Tail Keywords : Instead of going for generic keywords, opt for long tail keywords.

On-Page SEO
Title Tags : Optimize title tag with primary keyword.

Meta Descriptions : Write catchy meta descriptions with keyword.

Headings : Optimize H1, H2 and H3 tags with primary and relevant keywords in your content.

Internal Linking : Interlink your blog posts to reduce bounce rate and keep users engaged on your blog.

Quality Content
High Quality Posts : Write in-depth, comprehensive posts for your target audience.

Regularly Update :
Keep posting new content on your blog to retain users and for SEO purpose as well.

Content Marketing
Content Marketing is all about creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.

Blog Posts
Information : Write how to, tutorials, information posts that are valuable for readers.

Listicles : Use listicles, case studies, interviews etc. to diversify formats of your content.

Social Media Profiles
Complete Your Profiles: Ensure your social profiles are comprehensive, including bio information and profile pictures.

Consistent Branding:
Use consistent branding elements like logos and tone across all your social media channels.

Engaging on Social Media
Respond to Comments: Interact with your audience by replying to comments on your posts.

Post Consistently:
Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and grow your follower base.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when monetizing a blog?

While blogging can make you all the money, there are typical mistakes that most bloggers make when monetizing their blogs.

These mistakes are easy to avoid if you want to increase your success rates and smooth monetization paths.

  1. Not Paying Attention to Readers
    : Thinking Money Trumps Value
    Many bloggers spend too much time reading about monetization techniques without regard to reader preferences and needs. Over-commercialized content drives readers away.

Know Your Readers: Survey them, participate in comment sections, and analyze metrics to figure out what they find valuable.

Mix Regular Content with Monetization Tactics: Offer tons of useful, informative, and entertaining content and slip monetization ideas in occasionally.

  1. Cluttering Your Blog with Too Many Ads
    : Aggressive Ad Placement
    Readers shy away from blogs with too many ads cluttering the main content area, causing decreased user experience, higher bounce rates, and less time on site.


  • Smart Ad Placement: Stick to ads that don’t get in the way of content like those in the sidebar, footer, or content area.
  • Keep Ad Numbers Low: A few ads look cluttered, but anything more than 5 or 6 usually hurts user experience.
  1. Having Only One Source of Income
    : Promoting Low Quality or Unrelated Products
    Most bloggers depend on a single revenue stream, usually affiliate marketing or ads, to survive. Any change in the program or rate can cut their income by over 50%. Ouch.

Diversify Revenue Streams: Mix affiliate marketing, sponsored content, digital products, and services sales.
Test and Switch: Try different monetization techniques every now and then and switch to those that work best for your blog.


There are many ways to monetize a blog and make it profitable. Depending on your niche and audience, different strategies will work better than others.

But by promoting products as an affiliate, using display advertising, writing sponsored posts, selling e-products, building membership sites, offering your services, using email marketing, and including donation and crowdfunding plugins, you can make money blogging.

Just remember who your audience is and what value you’re providing them.

And most importantly, don’t give up!

Persistent refinement of your strategies will eventually overcome the learning curve and yield the financial rewards of your hard work.

I am MURLI (Nick Name Sachin), Digital Marketer, AMAZON BOOKS AUTHOR, Entrepreneur, Blogger & Online UDEMY Instructor, I spent 12 years working in Digital Marketing & visual designs.

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